What is Erasmus? and Why am I in?

Hello everyone,
many people visit some projects, and also many people visit one specifical project, Erasmus. 
You can find Erasmus in whole word. In the high schools, universities and other schools. But exactly what is Erasmus?
For many people, it is many things. I will describe you how Erasmus show me new options and how change my life.

I was in Erasmus for twice. In my first Erasmus I met my best friend. It has been about 3-4 years yet and we are still in contact and we are meeting each other 2-3 for year. She lives in Poland and I live in Czech republic. So that get me to first thing what Erasmus can give you. - Friendship.
Amazing chance get to know new people. Furthermore people from different countries.
There is nothing more than happy people around you.

The other beautiful thing on Erasmus is that you can find out new world places. I was twice in Spain and once in Poland. But in our school, you can visit Greece, Finland, Spain, Italy, Czech R. (me). There are many awesome places to visit. But it is truth that you can't go everywhere. Project contains many students. There are about 8 students, who can visit one country. I had a lucky, because in our first project there weren't so many people so I could go twice. I was on different places in Spain. The first place was by sea, named Poio. The second  place was about 40 km from Barcelona to inland. Both of them was such amazing as they could be ♥ I felt love for first look.

Also very good is that you can improve your language skills. When you are alone in strange family and country, there is nothing to help you with speaking(okay you can have translator). There are just you, your hands and legs and student with his hands and legs and big quiet between you. So yes, you have to talk. Because you don't know where is a toilet, where you get a glass of water or where you sleep. So if you are shy, you have to put it away. And then, lets your improving of language begin.

Every project has a special theme. My actuall project has  SFUWOL - Skills for Future working life in Europe. You get knowledge about work oppurtunities, about writing CV and etc. Like everything what you need for better chance to get good work. For us, students on high school is good chance to get information how it is going in working life. Because for now we are still children of our parents, with any responsibility to pay bill, feed family, safe them. We have only school homeworks, friends and mobile phone. So I think this is very important to get to know how life goes.

And Why I am in?
Isn't it great? I think YES, in every way. I am very happy and I am glad to be part of this. You can visit some country, you can improve your english skill, you can find out new knowledge. You find out new things in the world. You can host some student from other countries. ( also you can have free week in your school ☺️) And everything is for free.

So yes, join to Erasmus and enjoy your school in different ways. ♥


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